Customs clearance is a compulsory process that is required for goods moving through Customs barriers for both import and export. This involves the preparation of documents and/or electronic submissions for the calculation and usually the payment of taxes, duties and goods and services tax. To complete the clearance process, shipping documents are required, the type of documents needed for importing or exporting transactions usually depend on the type of goods you have.
In some cases, the documentation may also vary depending on the country of origin or destination and so documents may have to be prepared in a particular way to comply with the requirements of the import or export country.
As a rule of thumb, a standard importing or exporting transaction usually requires a commercial invoice, quarantine packing declaration, packing list, and a Bill of Lading . We always ensure the appropriate documentation is completed and the correct importing procedures are followed.
Feel free to contact us for an obligation-free discussion and assessment of your requirements.